Our Mission | Tehtävämme
- To act as a non-political co-ordinator between associations, congregations, clubs, and other groups of Finnish ethnic background in Canada
- To promote Finnish culture and ethnic customs in Canada
- To promote Finland and Canadians of Finnish origin within Canada and also to promote Canada and its Finnish ethnic community in Finland
- To act as a co-ordinator in arranging Finnish cultural visits in Canada
- To represent the Canadians of Finnish origin within other ethnic groups and as the need arises, to bring their views to the attention of Canadian authorities
- To actively support the Finnish Canadian Grand Festival in co-ordination with the local organizing committee, and endeavor toward the continuation of these annual Festivities
Our Board of Directors | Hallituksemme
- Ulla Ahokas
- Liisa Luoma
- Kari Jamsa
- Martti Hyhko
- Leena McCartney
- Anneli Kerr
- Riitta Teini
- Laila Taipale
- Hans Myrskog
Our Members | Jäsenemme
- Canadian Suomi Foundation
- Finnish Social Club of Toronto
- Finnish Society of Edmonton
- Friends of the Finnish Labour Temple
- Hilldale Lutheran Church
- Ladies of Kaleva Thunder Bay
- Keskipohjalaisten Kerho KP-Club
- Kiikurit Folk Dancers
- Kulta Koti Association
- Ostrobothnians in Canada
- The Sudbury Finnish Festival Commitee
- Toronto Finlandia Lions
- Sisu Athletic Club
- Vapaa Sana Press
Individual members: Ulla Ahokas, Kaarina Brooks, Ron Harpelle, Olavi Jarvela, Anneli Kerr, Liisa Luoma, Diana Pallen, Pentti Paularinne
How to become a member for 2021-2022
Tulla Jäsen
The Finnish Canadian Cultural Federation 2020 membership fee of $30.00 for the period January 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021. Because of Covid19 and the cancellation of Finn Festival 2020 – memberships will be valid into 2021.
Please send your payment by cheque, made payable to the Finnish Canadian Cultural Federation, to the address below. Kindly include a current email address along with your mailing address. Please include a copy of the membership form available here.
Send Cheque to: 25 High Street North Thunder Bay ON P7A 5R1